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To eat organic?!? Or not to eat organic?!?

 Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to achieve abundant health, energy and vitality. However, It can be challenging to see the difference in price or availability of some organic fruits and vegetables. It can also be hard when tyring to employ a frugal budget. It’s hard for me to shop at Whole Foods without spending my Whole paycheck! haha! So I came across this list of the most important foods to buy organic and ones that arent so bad. I hope this will assist some of you with your shopping lists, as it did for me 🙂

EWG’s Dirty Dozen:

 Always Buy Organic!!

 1) Apples

2) Celery

3) Strawberries


5) Spinach

6)Nectarines– imported

7)Grapes – imported

8)Sweet bell peppers


10)Blueberries – domestic


12)Kale/collard greens

Clean 15

Lowest in Pesticide


2)Sweet Corn




6)Sweet peas



9)Cantaloupe – domestic




13)Sweet potatoes




Cortney Ostosky-Massage Therapist

My dog knows to stop and smell the roses, do you?  When I take her for a walk, she stops along the way and sniffs.  She may be smelling different roses than what I am stopping to smell, but she knows to do so.  She knows when we’re getting close to home and starts walking slower and sniffing more.  She appreciates being outside and what it has to offer to her; dogs, grass, fresh air and the bottom of mailbox posts.

Instead of just tugging her along the way I sometimes do because I need to get to work or it’s hot outside, it’s nice to take it all in like the flowers blooming, the beautiful sky and my friendly neighbors.

When I’m stressed at work because my schedule isn’t full or it’s too full, I like to take a break and realize that this is what I worked for and now I’m here.  Working my old 9-5pm wasn’t for me.  How many times did I wish that I could take a walk or answer personal emails without feeling guilty in the middle of the work day?  Now I can do that.  I enjoy my days that are full of clients.  I like talking to them and learning from them.  Most people really like their massage therapist, and that makes me feel good!  On my slower days, I have my ‘me time’ also without the guilt.

The health benefits of smelling the roses have been studied numerous times.  Reducing your stress levels helps your cells grow properly, inhibits the production of stress producing hormones, encourages proper digestion, increases mindfulness, increases immunity and increases your patience so that relationships grow in a positive way.  Coincidentally, massage therapy does all of these things as well.  Stopping to smell the roses can be something as small as doing just that or doing something even more to promote relaxation.  Remember to take care of yourself, and the puzzle pieces of life will seem to fall into place much easier.

By: Gudrun StrmicBrown-Massage Therapist


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